The Iconic Turn. Image Driven Digital Art History
Digital Art History
Digital art history is more than the application of computer techniques to paintings: it is a true interdiscipline, epistemologically part of both art history and computer science.
This means using digital infrastructures and tools, but also critically reflecting upon their usage and upon the implications of their technical details. Focusing on the digital representation of the work of art, the workshop for digital art history demonstrates ways of processing the artwork visually, iconographically and contextually, with a focus on new methods of annotation and image analysis.
1st week: After a general introduction into digital art history, a guide to virtual platforms and resources for art and cultural heritage, and an excursus about crowdsourcing, we will introduce various techniques of visual computing: image processing, computer graphics, and computer vision. Rather than treating them as ‘black box’ tools, we will go into algorithmic details, showing the art-historical implications of some of the assumptions and conceptual models followed by computer science.
2nd week: In the second half of the workshop, we want to initiate and coach student projects in small groups, with possible topics in art-historical image processing, computer vision, human computing, and computer graphics.
The workshop will suit students both with and without a technical or programming background.
- Schedule
- Workshops
- XML-TEI document encoding, structuring, rendering and transformation
- Hands on Humanities Data Workshop - Creation, Discovery and Analysis
- Introduction to programming for the Web
- From Print and Manuscript to Electronic Version: Text Digitization and Annotation
- Text processing for linguists and literary scholars with R
- Spoken Language and Multimodal Corpora
- Stylometry
- The Iconic Turn. Image Driven Digital Art History
- Humanities Data and Mapping Environments
- Working with SQL and graph databases
- Canonical Text Services
- Data Management and legal and ethical issues
- Lectures (public)
- Projects (public)
- Panel (public)
- Teasers / Specials
- Cultural Programme
- Experts
- Lecturers
- Scientific Committee
- Important dates
- Application
- Scholarships
- Fees
- Refund Policy
- T-Shirt
- Flyer
- Child care