Marco Passarotti
Marco Passarotti is associate professor at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan). His main research interests deal with bulding, using and disseminating linguistic resources and natural language processing tools for Latin.
A pupil of one of the pioneers of humanities computing, father Roberto Busa SJ, since 2006 he heads the "Index Thomisticus" Treebank project. In 2009, he founded the CIRCSE research centre of computational linguistics at Università Cattolica.
Currently, he is Principal Investigator of an ERC-CoG Grant (2018-2023) aimed at building a Linked Data based Knowledge Base of resources and tools for Latin.
He organized and chaired several international scientific events. He co-chairs the series of workshops on 'Corpus-based Research in the Humanities' (CRH).
He teaches Computational Linguistics at Università Cattolica (Milan) and at Universities of Pavia and Bern.