The Summer University offers a range of workshops on important areas of Digital Humanities in the broadest sense. All workshops run in parallel through the 11 days. Each workshop consists of a total of 18 sessions or 36 teaching hours.
The term "workshop" instead of "course / seminar" is used here to take into account that the approach of the Digital Humanities to knowledge creation is collaborative and project oriented and that the practical application of methods and skills plays a huge role. This does not mean that theory is excluded from these courses. On the contrary, the application of computational methods to artefacts and the meaningful use of digital technology pose many new and theoretical questions which need to be discussed.
Workshops will be structured in two equal blocks of 18 teaching hours each. Participants can either take the two blocks of one workshop or two blocks from different workshops. Participants who wish to take the first block of a workshop in the first week and the second block of another workshop in the second week, need to demonstrate in their application that they have already some knowledge in the topics which are treated in the first block of the latter workshop.
It will not be possible to register for one block only. Please consult the Workshops Overview
The following workshops will be offered:
- Alex Bia (Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, Spain): XML-TEI document encoding, structuring, rendering and transformation (2 weeks)
- Carol Chiodo (Harvard University, USA) / Lauren Tilton (University of Richmond, USA): Hands on Humanities Data Workshop - Creation, Discovery and Analysis (2nd week)
- Katarzyna Anna Kapitan (Museum of National History, Hillerød, Denmark) / N. Kıvılcım Yavuz (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): Manuscripts in the Digital Age: XML-Based Catalogues and Editions (2 weeks)
- Christoph Meister / Jan Horstmann / Mareike Schumacher / Christian Bruck (University of Hamburg, Germany): Digital Annotation and Analysis of Literary Texts with CATMA 6.0 (2 weeks)
- Andreas Witt (University of Mannheim & Leibniz Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany): Compilation, Annotation and Analysis of Written Text Corpora. Introduction to Methods and Tools (1st week)
- Bernhard Fisseni (Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany): Searching Linguistic Patterns in Text Corpora for Digital Humanities Research (2nd week)
- Christoph Draxler (University of Munich, Germany): All About Data – Exploratory Data Modelling and Practical Database Access (2 weeks)
- Maciej Eder (Polish Academy of Sciences / Pedagogical University, Cracow, Poland) / Jeremi Ochab (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland): Stylometry (2 weeks)
- David Joseph Wrisley (New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE) / Randa El Khatib (University of Victoria, Canada): Humanities Data and Mapping Environments (2 weeks)
- Fabian Offert (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA): Images of Image Machines. Theory and Practice of Interpretable Machine Learning for the Digitial Humanities (2 weeks)
- Janos Borst / Felix Helfer (University of Leipzig, Germany): An Introduction to Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing - Applications and Implementation (1st week)
The number of participants in each workshop is limited to 10.
Participants are requested to bring along their own materials and projects so that what is being taught can be directly applied and tested.
For each workshop there will be a Moodle where material for preparation will be made available and which will be used as teaching environment during the Summer University.
- Schedule
- Workshops
- XML-TEI document encoding, structuring, rendering and transformation
- Hands on Humanities Data Workshop - Creation, Discovery and Analysis
- Manuscripts in the Digital Age: XML-Based Catalogues and Editions
- Digital Annotation and Analysis of Literary Texts with CATMA 6.0
- Compilation, Annotation and Analysis of Written Text Corpora. Introduction to Methods and Tools
- Searching Linguistic Patterns in Text Corpora for Digital Humanities Research
- All About Data – Exploratory Data Modelling and Practical Database Access
- Stylometrie
- Humanities Data and Mapping Environments
- Images of Image Machines. Theory and Practice of Interpretable Machine Learning for the Digitial Humanities
- An Introduction to Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing - Applications and Implementation
- Lectures (public)
- Projects (public)
- Poster Session (public)
- Panel (public)
- Teasers (public)
- Cultural programme
- Experts
- Lecturers
- Scientific Committee
- Important dates (new)
- Application
- Scholarships (updated)
- Participation fees
- Refund policy
- T-Shirts
- Child care
- Birthday thoughts