Teasers Sessions
As in former years we offer a Teaser Session of 90 (2 x 45) minutes in each week of the Summer University.
Teaser sessions will allow you to get a short introduction of about 45 minutes into the contents of two different workshops and to ask questions. Teaser sessions are open not only to all participants of the Summer University but also to the public. The aim of teaser sessions is at least threefold:
a) to allow the participants of ESU DH C & T to get an idea of the variety of methods, tools and questions which make up the Digital Humanities beyond the workshops they have chosen,
b) to arouse the interest of colleagues and students of Leipzig university and of other universities nearby and foster local community building
c) to allow colleagues and researchers who are involved in specific projects but do not take part in the Summer University to consult with the specialists ESU DH C & T manages to bring together.
The Teaser Sessions, which take place in the same rooms as the respective workshops, are scheduled as follows:
Thursday 25.07.2019 09:15-10:45
Wednesday 31.07.2019 09:15-10:45