Katarzyna Anna Kapitan
Katarzyna Anna Kapitan is H.M. Queen Margrethe II Distinguished Research Fellow at the Museum of National History, Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød, Denmark, where she works as PI on the “Writing (Hi)stories” project. Her research is funded by Carlsberg Foundation. Previously, she was Research Fellow at The Arnamagnæan Manuscript Collection, where she worked on a research project examining manuscripts in the Accessoria Collection. She completed her PhD in Nordic Philology at the University of Copenhagen. Her doctoral research concerned intertextuality in Norse poetry and prose from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century, and her thesis titled Studies in the Transmission History of Hrómundar saga Greipssonar combined text-critical, transmission-historical and material-philological approaches to texts and manuscripts with application of innovative digital tools and methods. Focusing on the post-medieval Icelandic manuscripts and textual criticism, she previously taught DH courses in fundamentals of TEI-XML, digital scholarly editing and cataloging as well as computer assisted textual criticism.
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- Experts
- Beeken, Jeannine
- Bell, Peter
- Bia, Alejandro
- Bordalejo, Barbara
- Borst, Janos
- Bührig, Kristin
- Chiodo, Carol
- Dahnke, Michael
- Draxler, Christoph
- Eder, Maciej
- El Khatib, Randa
- Fisseni, Bernhard
- Flüh, Marie
- Helfer, Felix
- Horstmann, Jan
- Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna
- Keydar, Renana
- Langhanki, Florian
- Netzer, Yael
- Ochab, Jeremi
- Offert, Fabian
- Rebora, Simone
- Robinson, Peter
- Schopf, Juliane
- Schumacher, Mareike
- Tilton, Lauren
- Truong, Khiet
- Vitali, Giovanni Pietro
- Witt, Andreas
- Wrisley, David Joseph
- Yavuz, N. Kıvılcım
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