Barbara Bordalejo
Barbara Bordalejo is a textual critic, editor and digital humanist. She has worked at four universities on two continents and she teaches at the Department of English, University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Bordalejo specializes in the development of transcription and encoding systems for primary textual sources. She has edited Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Darwin’s Origin of Species and has collaborated in the creation of editions of Dante’s Commedia, Boccaccio’s Teseida and 15th Century Castillian Cancioneros. She worked with Aengus Ward (University of Birmingham) in an Electronic Edition and Research Environment of the Estoria de Espanna and with Peter Robinson (University of Saskatchewan) in the Textual Communities Project, a tool for transcribing, collating and publishing texts. She edited the text of “The General Prologue” for the CantApp, an edition of the Canterbury Tales for mobile devices. Dr. Bordalejo is the chair of Global Outlook :: Digital Humanities, the secretary of the European Association for Digital Humanities, and serves as part of the Editorial Board of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.
- Important dates
- Schedule
- Workshops
- Lectures (public)
- Panel (public)
- Experts
- Beeken, Jeannine
- Bell, Peter
- Bia, Alejandro
- Bordalejo, Barbara
- Borst, Janos
- Bührig, Kristin
- Chiodo, Carol
- Dahnke, Michael
- Draxler, Christoph
- Eder, Maciej
- El Khatib, Randa
- Fisseni, Bernhard
- Flüh, Marie
- Helfer, Felix
- Horstmann, Jan
- Kapitan, Katarzyna Anna
- Keydar, Renana
- Langhanki, Florian
- Netzer, Yael
- Ochab, Jeremi
- Offert, Fabian
- Rebora, Simone
- Robinson, Peter
- Schopf, Juliane
- Schumacher, Mareike
- Tilton, Lauren
- Truong, Khiet
- Vitali, Giovanni Pietro
- Witt, Andreas
- Wrisley, David Joseph
- Yavuz, N. Kıvılcım
- Lecturers
- Application
- Scholarships
- Participation fees