Johanna Green
Johanna Green is Lecturer in Book History and Digital Humanities at the Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) at the University of Glasgow. A medievalist by training, Johanna's research focuses on early English manuscripts, with specific interests in the history of literacy, editorial theory, and Digital Humanities tools for the study of the material text. Her recent work centres on digital palaeography and the materiality of the digital page, particularly those digital pages which serve to elucidate medieval manuscripts and texts.
She has previously been employed on a number of Digital Humanities research projects, including The Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary; Enroller: An Enhanced Repository for a Language and Literature Researchers (JISC); The Production and Use of English Manuscripts 1060-1220 (AHRC); The Consultation Letters of Dr. William Cullen (AHRC); The Manuscripts of Ælfric's Catholic Homilies (Mellon); and David Livingstone's Travels and Researches in South Africa (part of Livingstone Online). She has directed the 'Digital Editions and Editing' strand of the Leipzig ESUDH since 2013.
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- Bia, Alejandro
- Eder, Maciej
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- Fankhauser, Peter
- Fois, Valentina
- Geyken, Alexander
- Green, Johanna
- Haaf, Susanne
- Herold, Axel
- Hinrichs, Erhard
- Jurish, Bryan
- Kamocki, Paweł
- Kermes, Hannah
- Kuras, Christoph
- Lemnitzer, Lothar
- Romanov, Maxim
- Siemens, Lynne
- Simpson, Kathryn
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- Wrisley, David Joseph
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