Susanne Haaf
Susanne Haaf holds a degree in German philology and Computational Linguistics (M. A.) and has been working as a research assistant at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities since 2010. Here, she has been engaged in the projects »Deutsches Textarchiv« (German Text Archive, DTA) and »CLARIN-D«. From 2007 to 2010 she worked as a research assistant for the edition project »Martin Bucers Deutsche Schriften« (»Martin Bucer's German Writings, BDS) at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities where she was responsible for the edition of volume BDS 15 (published in 2012). Furthermore, she has been active in teaching via classes at the Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Regensburg as well as via various workshop sessions. Her work focuses on editorial studies, the constitution and maintenance of corpora, guidelines for the TEI encoding of large heterogeneous text collections, and the characteristics of historical text types.
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- Bia, Alejandro
- Eder, Maciej
- Edmond, Jennifer
- Fankhauser, Peter
- Fois, Valentina
- Geyken, Alexander
- Green, Johanna
- Haaf, Susanne
- Herold, Axel
- Hinrichs, Erhard
- Jurish, Bryan
- Kamocki, Paweł
- Kermes, Hannah
- Kuras, Christoph
- Lemnitzer, Lothar
- Romanov, Maxim
- Siemens, Lynne
- Simpson, Kathryn
- Szekrenyes, Istvan
- Teich, Elke
- Trippel, Thorsten
- Wiedemann, Gregor
- Witt, Andreas
- Wrisley, David Joseph
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