Project Presentations
The project presentation sessions, next to projects of the participants of the Summer School, will feature the presentation of the following advanced institutional and / or funded projects by scholars from the Humanities, Computer Science and Engineering:
- Alejandro Bia (Universidad Miguel Hernández) "The Digital Humanities Workbench"
- Martin Bogdan (Universität Leipzig) / Carina Walter (Universität Tübingen) "Adaptive Learning environments based on BCI Methodology"
- Marco Büchler (Universität Leipzig) "eTRACES - Winged words, quotations and our cultural heritage"
- Elaine Hoysted (University College Cork) "Digital Artefacts and Databases as effective teaching and learning tools"
- Laszlo Hunyadi (University of Debrecen) "Challenges at the interface between theory and technology"
- Stefan Jänicke (Universität Leipzig) "GeoTemCo: Comparative Visualization of Geospatial-Temporal Data"
- Matthew Munson (Universität Göttingen) "Humanities by the Numbers: Digital Humanities, Workflow Editors, and the Future of Humanities Research"
- Andreas Witt (Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim) "Research Infrastructures at the Institute for the German Language"
The following projects are being presented by participants of the Summer School:
István Szekrényes & Ghazaleh Esfandiari(University of Debrecen, Hungary): Topic change detection based on non-verbal acoustic cues"
Gianmarco Ennio Saretto (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy): "(Re)mapping literature: Shakespeare and beyond"
Erik Ketzan (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Germany): "Literary Wikis"
Hilda Velasquez (Private educator, United States of America): "Expansion of the first Spanish Advertising Corpus"
Anika Schmeißer (Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Deutschland): "Computer-based methods for historical linguistics: analysing language change in 16th century French and Spanish"
Louis Chartrand & Jean-François Chartier & Jean-Guy Meunier (UQAM, Canada): "Painting Magritte with Words: Using Computer-Assisted Conceptual Analysis Tools on a Corpus of Image Tags"
Meera Muhiadeen Rifaudeen (South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka): "Digital libraries in Sri Lanka: a special reference to digital collection of Folk Songs of the Eastern People of Sri Lanka"
The participants had handed in a well structured and well written proposal when they applied for a place at the Summer School. All project presentation proposals have been reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Only projects which have been accepted by the Scientific Committee can be presented.
We also welcome the presentation of software which has already been extensively tested in the Humanities or has been developed with, among other fields, the Humanities in mind. Commercial software vendors are asked to contact Elisabeth Burr directly.
To each presentation 30 minutes are allocated. Presenters should allow 10 minutes for discussion.
With the presentation of projects we aim at offering opportunities for the exchange of ideas between the Humanities, Computer Science and Engineering and at show-casing some of the possibilities of technology-based implementations of Humanities research questions.