Application for a place at the ESU
The number of participants is limited to 60. When allocating a place in a specific workshop not only the preferences expressed by the applicants will be taken into account, but also the feedback and advice given by the experts on the basis of the motivation letter and, if available, project descriptions.
Application for a place at the Summer University is done via ConfTool. The Summer University runs through 11 days. It is not possible to apply for one week only.
When applying, a curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation (500-700 words) is to be uploaded as one PDF-file. In their motivation letter applicants should a) indicate their research interests, b) specify the workshop(s) of their choice and c) justify their choice by explaining their hopes and expectations. Applicants also need to declare that an allocated place will be taken up.
As the selection of participants is made by the Scientific Committee together with the experts who lead the workshops, the CV and the letter of motivation is to be presented in English. As the Summer School is supposed to be multilingual the curriculum needs to contain information about the knowledge of languages.
Preference will be given to young scholars of the Humanities and Social Sciences who are planning, or are already involved with, a technology-based research project and describe this project in a qualified way in their motivation letter.
Young scholars of Engineering and Computer Sciences are expected to describe their specialities and interests in such a way that also non specialists can follow, and to support their expectations from the summer school with good arguments.
Applicants who would like to present a project during one of the project presentation sessions or during the poster session should upload a seperate file with the description of the project (500-700 words) in English when they apply for a place at the Summer School via ConfTool.