Teaser - Special sessions
This year we offer for the first time Teaser and Special Sessions which are open not only to all participants of the Summer University but also to the public. The aim of this new element is at least threefold:
a) to allow the participants of ESU DH C & T to get an idea of the variety of methods, tools and questions which make up the Digital Humanities beyond the workshops they have chosen,
b) to arouse the interest of colleagues and students of Leipzig university and of other universities nearby and foster local community building
c) to allow colleagues and researchers who are involved in specific projects but do not take part in the Summer University to consult with the specialists ESU DH C & T manages to bring together
The Teaser and Special Sessions are all scheduled for Thursday 30th of July, 09:15-10:45, in the GWZ
During the Teaser Sessions leaders of the workshops which are offered during the Summer University give a basic introduction into the field their workshop is about and allow for questions (ca. 45 + 45 minutes)
During the two Special Sessions participants of the Summer University and the interested public can either follow an introduction to legal issues by Erik Ketzan (Institut für Deutsche Sprache) or discuss with Michael Nashed (Library of Alexandria) how to maintain a digitizing workflow for Arabic collections and techniques to enhance the Optical character recognition for Arabic fonts.
9:15am - 10:45am |
Special Sessions | |
"Digitising Arabic texts" GWZ 1.4.16 Michael Aziz Nashed, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt |
"An introduction to legal issues that affect digital humanities" GWZ 5.0.15 Erik Ketzan, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Germany |
Teaser Sessions | ||
"Methods and Tools for the Corpus Annotation of Historical and Contemporary Written Texts" GWZ 3.1.15 (Sociology upper) Axel Herold, BBAW, Germany Erhard Hinrichs, Universität Tübingen, Germany Thorsten Trippel, Universität Tübingen, Germany |
"Comparing Corpora" GWZ 4.1.16 Peter Fankhauser, Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Germany Hannah Kermes, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany Elke Teich, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany |
"Building Thematic Research Collections with Drupal" GWZ 1.3.15 Rafael Candido Alvarado, University of Virginia, United States of America |
"Digital Editions and Editorial Theory: Historical Texts and Documents" GWZ 2.1.16 Johanna Green, University of Glasgow, GB Kathryn Caroline Susan Simpson, Edinburgh Napier University, GB |
"Project Planning and Management" GWZ 2.2.16 Lynne Siemens, University of Victoria, Canada Jason Boyd, Ryerson University, Canada |
"Techniques and methods for the transcription and annotation of spoken data" GWZ 2.1.15 Laszlo Hunyadi, University of Debrecen, Hungary |
"Python" GWZ 1.3.16 Matthew Munson, University of Leipzig, Germany Thibault Clérice, University of Leipzig, Germany |
"Spatial Analysis in the Humanities" GWZ 5.4.16 Matthias Lang, University of Tübingen, Germany Dieta-Frauke Svoboda, Universität Tübingen, Germany |
"Basic audio and video recording techniques, (meta-)data formats and ethical and legal aspects" GWZ 2.5.16 Timm Lehmberg, Universität Hamburg, Germany Hanna Hedeland, Universität Hamburg, Germany Uwe Dieter Reichel, University of Munich, Germany |
"Basic Statistics and Visualization with R" GWZ 5.3.16 Stefan Th. Gries, UCSB, United States of America |
"Stylometry" GWZ 4.2.16 Maciej Eder, Pedagogical University in Krakow, Poland Jeremi Kazimierz Ochab, Jagiellonian University, Poland |
"XML-TEI encoding, structuring and rendering" GWZ 3.0.15 (Sociology lower) Alejandro Bía, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain |