How Research Infrastructures empower eHumanities and eHeritage Research(ers)
developed by FH Potsdam / Universität Leipzig (Heike Neuroth, Elisabeth Burr, Ulrike Wuttke, Rebecca Sierig, Stefanie Läpke) for PARTHENOS (Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies)
The ESU 2018 PARTHENOS Workshop will, over the course of one week, give a detailed overview of how Research Infrastructures enhance and contribute to research(ers) activities in the field of Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage. It is based on Webinar 1-5 of the PARTHENOS Webinar Series.
Participants of the ESU 2018 PARTHENOS Workshop will dive into a number of topics, technologies, and methods that are connected with an “infrastructural way” of engaging with data and doing humanities research along the research life cycle. Among the topics to be covered are theoretical and practical reflections on digital and analogue research infrastructures, opportunities and challenges of eHumanities and eResearch, finding, working and contributing to Research Infrastructure collections, standards, FAIR principles, ontologies, tools and Virtual Research Environments, and new publication and dissemination types.
Structure of the workshop: Each workshop day consists of two sessions. The individual webinars of the PARTHENOS Webinar Series will be conducted live (online) during the daily first workshop session of the ESU 2018 PARTHENOS Workshop by renowned experts in the fields:
- Day one - W1 Research Infrastructures: Beyond tools - General introduction (Steven Krauwer, Stefan Schmunk)
- Day two - W2 Boost research with Research Infrastructures - Research Lifecycle Phase 1 “Developing research questions” (Darja Fišer)
- Day three - W3 The Devil is in the Details - Research Lifecycle Phase 2 “Planning Research Projects” (Klaus Illmayer, Marie Puren)
- Day four - W4 Make it Happen - Research Lifecycle Phase 3 + 4 “Carrying out Research and Analysing Data” (George Bruseker, Carlo Meghini)
- Day five - W5 Impact?! - Research Lifecycle Phase 5 “Publishing Results” (Juliane Stiller, Klaus Thoden)
In addition to the webinars, there will be hands-on activities and supervised practical exercises during a daily second workshop session (on-site/offline) in which the participants have the opportunity to learn by doing. These immersion sessions around each webinar topic will be lead by the on-site PARTHENOS tutors Heike Neuroth und Ulrike Wuttke. Participants are encouraged to bring their own project ideas (even if they are for a thesis) using data and we will discuss infrastructural issues around them.
Audience: The ESU 2018 PARTHENOS workshop is aimed at Digital Humanities (DH) and Cultural Heritage practitioners who wish to learn how to optimally benefit from and cooperate with Research Infrastructures for research based activities and to discuss how to engage with them. The workshop is also suitable for computer scientists and researchers/practitioners in data centres who want to gain insight into more humanities and cultural heritage related aspects of digital research infrastructures. No special programming skills are required. Participants are required to bring their own laptop and ideally also their own headphones (to listen to the webinars).
Learning outcomes: Participants of this workshop will gain a complete overview on the role and value of DH and Cultural Heritage Institutions (CHIs) Research Infrastructures in and for research and will be able to identify Research Infrastructures that are particularly valuable for their research/data. Through the additional hands-on sessions the participants will be especially equipped and skilled to reuse the PARTHENOS webinars and accompanying materials in their communities and provide trainings in their own communities and institutes.
Assessment: no formal assessment, continuous feedback, active participation
- Schedule
- Workshops
- XML-TEI document encoding, structuring, rendering and transformation
- Hands on Humanities Data Workshop - Creation, Discovery and Analysis
- Collocations from a multilingual perspective: theory, tools, and applications
- Reflected Text Analysis in the Digital Humanities
- Humanities Data and Mapping Environments
- Building and analysing multimodal corpora
- Stylometry
- Asking questions to data in the humanities: right, correct, efficient (Introducing and comparing XQuery, SQL, SPARQL for data from the humanities)
- Computer Vision Intervention. How digital methods help to visually understand corpora of art and cultural heritage
- Integrating Human Science Data using CIDOC-CRM as Formal Ontology: a practical approach
- The humanities scholar's perspective on rule based machine translation
- Word Vectors and Corpus Text Mining with Python
- Text Mining with Canonical Text Services
- How Research Infrastructures empower eHumanities and eHeritage Research(ers)
- Introduction to Project Management
- Lectures (public)
- Projects (public)
- Posters (public)
- Panel discussion (public)
- Teasers (public)
- Cultural Programme
- Experts
- Lecturers
- Scientific Committee
- Important dates
- Application
- Scholarships
- Fees
- Refund policy
- T-Shirt
- The logo riddle
- Child Care