Reflected Text Analysis in the Digital Humanities
The workshop introduces the concept of reflected text analytics, and covers various relevant topics to that end. The core idea is to "lift the veil": The participants learn both theoretical concepts and their practical implementation on real code, such that they are able to apply the learned concepts on their own research questions. Topics of the workshop will be: Annotation and concept development through annotation, programming with python for text processing and machine learning, machine learning in theory and application. Participants work on their own programs and data, write code and train models by themselves (under guidance). Previous knowledge is not required, but a laptop and internet connection.
- Schedule
- Workshops
- XML-TEI document encoding, structuring, rendering and transformation
- Hands on Humanities Data Workshop - Creation, Discovery and Analysis
- Collocations from a multilingual perspective: theory, tools, and applications
- Reflected Text Analysis in the Digital Humanities
- Humanities Data and Mapping Environments
- Building and analysing multimodal corpora
- Stylometry
- Asking questions to data in the humanities: right, correct, efficient (Introducing and comparing XQuery, SQL, SPARQL for data from the humanities)
- Computer Vision Intervention. How digital methods help to visually understand corpora of art and cultural heritage
- Integrating Human Science Data using CIDOC-CRM as Formal Ontology: a practical approach
- The humanities scholar's perspective on rule based machine translation
- Word Vectors and Corpus Text Mining with Python
- Text Mining with Canonical Text Services
- How Research Infrastructures empower eHumanities and eHeritage Research(ers)
- Introduction to Project Management
- Lectures (public)
- Projects (public)
- Posters (public)
- Panel discussion (public)
- Teasers (public)
- Cultural Programme
- Experts
- Lecturers
- Scientific Committee
- Important dates
- Application
- Scholarships
- Fees
- Refund policy
- T-Shirt
- The logo riddle
- Child Care
ESU in the Media
ESU 2019 Experiences (DARIAH-EU)
ESU 2018 Experiences (CLARIN-D)
ESU 2017 (CLARIN-D Blog)
CLARIN-D at ESU 2015 (YouTube)
CLARIN-D ESU 2015 (YouTube)
Campus Online 10.08.2012
infotvleipzig 26.07.2010