Istvan Szekrenyes
Istvan Szekrenyes graduated from the Universtiy of Debrecen, majoring in Philosophy and Theoretical Linguistics MA. Then he has attended the Computational Linguistics Doctoral Program at the same university. In parallel with his doctoral studies, he has participated in several basic and applied research projects since 2010 as a member of the interdisciplinary HuComTech research team. During the development of the HuComTech Multimodal Corpus, he had an important contribution which mainly focused on the computational processing of annotations and creating the automatic prosodic annotation of audio recordings. In addition to his work in language technology and corpus linguistics, he is also interested in language philosophy, experimental phonetics and the prosody-pragmatics interface. Currently, he is working as an assistant lecturer at the University of Debrecen, where he is mostly teaching subjects about computational linguistics within the framework of the Digital Humanities MA at the Department of General and Applied Linguistics.
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- Bell, Peter
- Bia, Alejandro
- Carboni, Nicola
- Chiodo, Carol
- de la Rosa, Javier
- Draxler, Christoph
- Eder, Maciej
- El Khatib, Randa
- Fuhrmann, Isabel
- Hinrichs, Erhard
- Hunyadi, Laszlo
- Impett, Leonardo
- Jo, Eun Seo
- Neuroth, Heike
- Ochab, Jeremi
- Pirinen, Tommi A.
- Reiter, Nils
- Schulz, Sarah
- Siemens, Lynne
- Strakatova, Yana
- Szekrényes, István
- Tiepmar, Jochen
- Tilton, Lauren
- Trippel, Thorsten
- Wrisley, David Joseph
- Wuttke, Ulrike
- Zorc, Leo
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